In-Home Therapy

Licensed Physical Therapists & Occupational Therapists, Certified Speech Therapists

In-Home Physical Therapy | In-Home Occupational Therapy | In-Home Speech Therapy

We believe that carrying out therapy in a controlled, relaxed environment is important in order to foster the independence and comfort of our clients. The Med1Care staff is specially trained to recognize potential safety hazards and fall risks, and the safety of our clients in their homes is our number one concern. We will assess the safety of your home and make recommendations for improvement when needed, such as the need for raised seats or arms for toilets, grab bars in showers or the removal of rugs.

Call Med1Care today at 419.866.0555 to see why we are

#1 in quality service AND quality care!

In-Home Physical Therapy

Med1Care offers Physical Therapy services that provide proactive solutions, whether to prevent injury or to provide help during the recovery process. Our goal is to assist clients with their daily tasks and make activities easier and less painful. Med1Care’s in-home Physical Therapy services are coordinated by our Case Manager, in conjunction with the frequencies established by a physician.

A licensed physical therapist will come to your home in Toledo, Findlay or any of the 26 counties we service. The therapist will evaluate your need for services, draft a plan and set a schedule that is dedicated to you reaching your objectives.

Physical Therapy Goals & Exercises

  • Pain relief

  • Range of motion exercises

  • Balance training and assessment

  • Endurance exercises

  • Strength training exercises

  • Regular therapeutic exercise

  • Fall risk assessments

In-Home Occupational Therapy

Med1Care Occupational Therapy services include assisting children with learning disabilities in school and social settings, helping people recover from injury to obtain the skill level they once had and providing aid to older adults suffering from physical and intellectual changes. Med1Care’s in-home Occupational Therapy services are coordinated by our Case Manager, in conjunction with the frequencies established by a physician. A licensed Occupational Therapist will come to your home and evaluate your need for services, draft a plan and set a schedule that is dedicated to you reaching your objectives.

Occupational Therapy is designed to highlight the activities that are important to our clients, and focuses on what needs to happen in order to allow effective resumption of those activities. Regardless of the method, our mission is to give our clients the independence they desire to achieve their goals.

Occupational Therapy Services

  • Build/restore upper body strength

  • Provide assistive devices for daily activities

  • Provide assistive devices for eating

  • Provide assistive devices for bathing

  • Increase and manage upper body strength

In-Home Speech Therapy

Med1Care’s Speech Therapy services focus on helping our clients develop functional communication skills to use within their environment. Speech Therapy services are coordinated by our Case Manager, in conjunction with frequencies established by a physician. A speech therapist will assess the individual patients need and develop a custom action plan to achieve the patients desired outcome.

Speech Therapy May Include:

  • Voice techniques

  • Swallowing techniques

  • Cognition

  • Sign language

  • Repetition

  • Speech development

  • Language development

Med1Care Toledo



1225 Corporate Drive

Holland, OH 43528

Med1Care Findlay



116 S. Main Street

Findlay, OH 45840

Med1Care Therapy Partners



1225 Corporate Drive

Holland, OH 43528

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